Zazen Boys 4 Rapidshare
Posted By admin On 13.01.20File: 137 KB, 320x316, main.jpg Anonymous Sun Mar 1 11: Gentlemen, it has been too long since I've seen a music thread here. I submit for your appraisal something I have never seen someone dislike, but which is oddly missing from.well, everywhere. SUPER BUTTER DOG, of Communication Break Dance fame. 333号室 FREEWAY FUNKASY Hello Feed Back And the best-of album: SUPER BETTER BETTER DOG. Disc 1: Disc 2: Anonymous Sun Mar 1 12: File: 23 KB, 449x450, main.jpg Dumping another of which I have a bit too much (Or a bit too little?), jazz pianist Hiromi Uehara. Got this off a previous thread - as I did much of my music - so feel free to slide on by if you were there for it.
Another Mind: Brain: Part 1: Part 2: Spiral: Time Control: Part 1: Part 2: A collaboration effort with an artist whose name escapes me, but is credited as 'Chick', 'Duet': Part 1: Part 2: And her band, 'Hiromi's Sonicbloom', with 'Beyond Standard': Part 1: Part 2: Sorry for the shitty two-part zips, and sorry if no one cares about all this. If people want, I can re-upload with actual individually extractable two-parts (like, first half in a folder, last half in a folder.) Anonymous Sun Mar 1 12: Which is the best?
Anonymous Sun Mar 1 12: File: 48 KB, 450x619, ruins1.jpg On the completely opposite end of the spectrum is Ruins. 'Manic noise filled with gibberish lyrics which are largely ignored for Tatsuya Yoshida hitting his drums as though his life depended on it' describes this pretty well. I'd say the only other member of the band was the bassist, but he's gone through four already. Still, none of them are to be underestimated.
Lots of fun, overall, though I don't have much. Pallaschtom: Vrresto: Part 1: Part 2: Refusal Fossil: Part 1: Part 2: Feel free to share more of any artist that gets posted - just because they've already been put out there doesn't mean one album is enough for everyone!
Anonymous Sun Mar 1 12: Which one is best? And this isn't just more shitty artsy /m/ indie kid stuff, is it? If I hear someone hitting drums and yelling random shit in Japanese, I'm coming for you, OP. Anonymous Sun Mar 1 12: Manic noise filled with gibberish lyrics which are largely ignored for Tatsuya Yoshida hitting his drums Urgh. Anonymous Sun Mar 1 12: File: 19 KB, 280x280, Midori.jpg Honestly, I like them all. Pick one at random to get a feel for them, and if you like what you hear, download the rest.
It's not like Mediafire has a download limit. Generally though, if you're just sampling, stay away from the two-parters, as they're a fair bit bigger.
That said, the next band on the dump list is a little more noise, but a little less noisy. Midori is a jazz punk fusion band which, uh.fuses jazz and punk. You know, I've never been good at this description thing. There's plenty of performances on Youtube.
ファースト♥: セカンド♥: あらためまして、はじめまして、ミドリです。: Anonymous Sun Mar 1 12: Alright then Anonymous Sun Mar 1 12: amazinlarry? Anonymous Sun Mar 1 12: holy fuck been loking for this for ages. Anonymous Sun Mar 1 12: File: 24 KB, 252x250, 11257155.jpg Hey, now. I'm just going through the things I have more than one album of.
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Feel free to throw in your own music, different people have different tastes, and I want to cater to as many as possible. To prove that I have more to share than shitty artsy /mu/ indie kid stuff, and to back up my previous statement, another of the bands I snatched up from a previous music thread and one of my favorites. Furuido, of Akagi OP fame, with a best-of: SELECTION.
Zazen Boys 4 Rapidshare Free
Badass old man music/folk. CD 1: CD 2: And a bit more folk is uploading, to be posted whenever it gets finished, thread deletion or sage-bomb be damned. Anonymous Sun Mar 1 12: File: 75 KB, 400x500, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra.jpg Planning on uploading another one of their EPs once I get it tagged good and proper, 'Shimizu'. Look forward to it! In the mean time, yet another that I snatched from a previous music thread. Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra's 'Wild Peace' - and don't be put off by the word Ska, please.
This is closer to what ska was supposed to be than what it has become. Anonymous Sun Mar 1 12: Hey, if you need a user name, it'd may as well be a Pee-Wee Herman reference. That said, I'm trying to fix up that other folk album I promised, so things are gonna slow down on my end for a little while after this. In the mean time, should I bother posting Polysics and Tokyo Jihen discographies? I don't know whether everyone already has those, so. Another one of my favorites, I've been trying to find more by these guys since I first heard them. Clingon has a sort of classic rock sound, blending happy tunes with piano and the lead vocalist's very unique voice.
Absolutely worth a listen. Clingon - Cosmos: No album art this time, sorry. Every image search just assumes that I meant to find angry aliens. Pygmalion!rNk8s6TM.Q Sun Mar 1 12: I was waiting for another one of these! I still like Time Control best. Hiromi is so good. Anonymous Sun Mar 1 12: Fuck year Furuido, though I already got their discography when it was posted here a long while back.
Thanks for all the music, OP. for not contibuting, polite self- Sun Mar 1 12: fuck yeah, spiral was awesome and I was looking for more shit by her, thanks a lot. Anonymous Sun Mar 1 13: File: 8 KB, 203x201, AyakoIkeda-LunarSoup.jpg Discography?! Please, do share a few! That's the only album that I have, and I absolutely love his style. Especially in live shows, the emotion in his songs just shines. Speaking of emotion, here's Ikeda Ayako's Lunar Soup.
Absolutely beautiful vocals that make you want to sing along even though you haven't got half the range, with relaxing music. You may recognize her from the Dennou Coil opening and ending themes - this is all closer to the ending.
Anonymous Sun Mar 1 13: Repost yonder! These guys.I don't even know. They defy description, someone else take a shot at it if you think you're better than me.
The only thing I can call them in confidence, though? If you have anything else by them, please share. Zazen Boys - Zazen Boys 4 Anonymous Sun Mar 1 13: ZB II would have been a better intro album.
Mukai has pretty much gone batshit insane since ZB III. Anonymous Sun Mar 1 13: File: 64 KB, 400x400, zb4.jpg Sorry for the broken link. Image refused to go through. Repost yonder! These guys.I don't even know. They defy description, someone else take a shot at it if you think you're better than me.
The only thing I can call them in confidence, though? If you have anything else by them, please share.
Zazen Boys - Zazen Boys 4 Anonymous Sun Mar 1 13: Was about to hide this thread, then I saw SUPER BUTTER DOG. Was Communication Break Dance just a one-hit wonder, or should I try them out?
Anonymous Sun Mar 1 13: File: 41 KB, 500x454, 51BKJZ65C3L.jpg Also, sorry for the belated response, but I don't actually have any of their other albums. Part of the reason I started this was to perhaps lure out some people capable of sharing more of the things that I was lacking in. The other part was of course to find new bands that I may or may not enjoy.
Their other songs aren't all of that style, for sure, but I enjoyed almost everything they've put out. Definitely worth looking through at least one album. As promised earlier, we have here another folk album, but of a very different style. Another repost, sadly, but this is where I get much of my music. 吉田拓郎 - 拓郎ヒストリー CD1, Part 1: CD1, Part 2: CD2, Part 1: CD2, Part 2: I'll be going back and posting more of some of these one-album folks, if I can find more. In the mean time, I'd like to point your attention to the 'Browse public files' link.
In each album's folder is both and individual mp3s, so if you want to check someone out but don't have the time or the space for the whole thing, pick one at random! Anonymous Sun Mar 1 13: I have quite a bit of zazen boys, their first 3 albums, a couple singles (hantoumei shoujo kankei and himitsu girl's top secret) and a live album from just after the release of their second album Anonymous Sun Mar 1 14: File: 22 KB, 500x496, cover.jpg Anything you can share would be greatly appreciated. I really like these guys. Catching up on a promise from early on, Midori's 'Shimizu' is uploading, but since no one told me one way or another and I've got time to kill.